Tuesday 22 October 2013


Their website even though has a plain background still shows style and elegance through their use of products covering the pages, their models posing for them and their name at the bottom in a plain white font against the black background that helps to seperate it from whats going on. The image below shows us one of their advertising posters for their newest fragrance "coco mademoiselle".  It shows a classy yet bare Keira Knightly placed infront of ablack background with three main light points directed behind her, and enough light to show off the bottle.

New Products

Chanel have also brought out other areas of cosmetics to attract their already adoring fans, and possibly others to buy their product.  Things include make-up, brushes, nail varnishes, hair assessories and bags.

Their products still however advertising the beautiful hard-to-get female who has both perfect complexion and body.  Showing the audience that if they buy their product they too could be like those women.
There website even advertises "private lessons" into how to achieve the same perfected look that they use so that with the before and after shots the audience would feel (mainly women) more compelled to try it, believing what they see in the results.

Chanel No.5

Chanel No.5 is a perfume and fragranced spray targeted towards woman more than men in their advertising as we always see famous actresses or woman to advertise their product or using it as product placement. An example being the current actress Keira Knightly posing for their Coco Mademoiselle.

Their fragrance for woman are usually presented in their glass bottle and usually a wine colour of some sorts, the gentle golden or soft pinks adds elegance to their company and avertising these bottles with dim lighting and an attractive model mades them seem all the more expensive and elegant. The french touch also adds the sense of attraction as France is known for it being the country of love.